Our EPIC values underpin learning at Gracefield School and help us to deliver the national curriculum.
They were developed through community, staff and student consultation, and are core to all that we do at school.
The EPIC values are interrelated, and therefore are not taught in isolation. Each term one of the EPIC values is our major focus, with the remainder as minor focuses.
Empathy - Aroha
At Gracefield School empathy means considering and understanding how others think and feel.
We show this by:
Caring for others and the environment
Respecting others cultures, beliefs, ideas and feelings
Being inclusive
Positive choices - Ngākaupai
At Gracefield School we make positive choices when we work hard and try our best.
We show this by:
Managing ourselves
Being respectful
Having a positive attitude
Thinking before we act
Being a good role model
inquisitive - Pākiki
At Gracefield School inquisitive learners who are keen and eager to learn.
We show this by:
Asking questions
Taking risks
Being creative
Using initiative
Being curious
COMmUNICATORS - Whakawhiti Korero
At Gracefield School we communicate effectively.
We show this by:
Using our words
Speaking clearly
Listening actively
Collaborating and problem solving
Using a variety of ways to communicate (visual, written, oral forms).